Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hog-A-Holic - Oklahoma Hog hunting

Went on a hog hunt at Hog-A-Holic this past December weekend and it was awesome. I took my 14 year old son who only had one other hunt under his belt. (Antelope) We hunted in ground blinds and also in the woods and brush. The first day there was no sign of pigs but the second day in the afternoon it was incredible. We got into a nest of pigs and they were everywhere. The hog-a-holic guides really knew what they were doing and where the pigs were. My son got the first pig he saw. He was able to take it down with a 30-30 open sighted rifle provided by Troy our hog-a-holic guide. We were hunting with other friends and most of them tagged out too. Our hog-a-holic guide Troy, field dressed the hogs and took all of them back to the trucks on his quad so we didn't have to. Then we got them back to hog-a-holic camp and he skinned and processed all of the hogs right there in front of us. I have to say Troy and Don really run a terrific outfit there at hog-a-holic. Everyone had a really good time and enjoyed themselves very much. We plane to go back to hog-a-holic again soon and expect to have a great hunt and terrific time. Thanks again Don and Troy. Hog-a-holic made our hog hunt a success in many ways.

Go to http://www.hog-a-holic.com to watch videos

hog-a-holic is the best Oklahoma hog hunting outfit there is.
Chris 1st  Hog-a-holic hog hunt

hog-a-holic hunting
The hog harvest back at Hog-a-holic camp

hog-a-holic, russian boar, ferrel hog
Group photo back at Hog-A-holic Camp

Go to http://www.hog-a-holic.com to watch videos

Other Services offered by this company: Hog-a-holic, Hog-a-holic Hunt, Hog-A-holic Russian Boar, Hog-a-holic guides, Hog-a-holic, Hog-a-holic Hunt, Hog-A-holic Russian Boar, Hog-a-holic guides, Hog-a-holic, Hog-a-holic Hunt, Hog-A-holic Russian Boar, Hog-a-holic guides, Hog-a-holic, Hog-a-holic Hunt, Hog-A-holic Russian Boar, Hog-a-holic guides,

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